Cultural Heritage Preservation Fellowship
A Fellowship Program for Cultural Heritage Preservation
The Etruscan Foundation Cultural Heritage Preservation Fellowship is designed to support the conservation or preservation of important Etruscan and Italic material culture that requires professional intervention for study, documentation, display, or simply consolidation. The fellowship is open to accredited museums or cultural institutions worldwide. In keeping with the Foundation’s mission, the material culture proposed for the new award must belong to the Etruscan and Italic cultures of non-Greek Italy from the Bronze Age through the 1st century BCE. Possible candidates for conservation and treatment include (but are not limited to) ceramics, stone, glass, metalwork, paintings or murals, and architecture. The Foundation encourages projects that make use of conservation in the broader context of cultural heritage; applicants should clearly state how the proposal will contribute towards understanding, protecting, and preserving Italy’s archaeological past. The grant may only be used for materials whose acquisition conforms to the Archaeological Institute of America’s Code of Ethics.
The Etruscan Foundation will require institutional applicants to submit a formal application in English that includes the following: A detailed description of no more than 1500 words of the object(s) to be conserved or treated, including their provenance and importance in Etruscan and Italic studies; the proposed project procedures including a detailed schedule work plan; the resumes of the conservator(s) who will perform the work; a detailed budget. In addition to the written proposal, applicants may submit up to 10 photos, drawings, or maps (maximum 1 MB per image). The grant may only be used for materials whose acquisition conforms to the Archaeological Institute of America’s Code of Ethics.The available amount for individual projects may vary, but the maximum is $10,000 (USD). Successful applicants will be expected to submit a final report (1000 words w/images) of their findings within 60 days of the end of the fellowship period; this report will appear in the Foundation’s annual journal, Etruscan and Italic Studies. Applications will be evaluated by the Foundation’s Fellowship Review Committee. The recommendations of the Committee will be forwarded to the Board of Directors for final approval.
The application deadline is February 26, 2025.
All application materials must be delivered to the foundation office by this date.
Send the application package via United States Postal Service or email to:
The Etruscan Foundation
P.O. Box 26
Fremont, MI 49412
email: office@etruscanfoundation.org
Download Application Materials
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The Etruscan Foundation Conservation Fellowship is made possible through
the generous support from the Ferdinand & Sarah Cinelli Trust.