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Vetulonia Project

Vetulonia, 1958-60, directed by Dssa. Anna Talocchini, University of Florence. The 1959 season concentrated on the tombs, among them the rich Tomb of the Silver Lions. In 1960, Dssa. Talocchini changed the direction of the excavations to the study of the living instead of the dead; she undertook to clarify the topography of the ancient city. Work began on the north-south road and the western approach to the city. Vetulonia remains an important example of Etruscan urbanism, since it is one of relatively few Etruscan sites whose ancient structures and layout have been exposed. The report of these two campaigns appears in A. Talocchini, ” La città e la necropoli di Vetulonia secondo i nuovi scavi (1959-1962)” Studi Etruschi 31 (1963) 41-67, and “Le Orificerie ed il vasetto configurato del Circolo dei Leoncini d’Argento di Vetulonia,” Studi Etruschi 31 (1963) 67-89; and “The Golden Treasure and a Figured Jar from the Tomb of the Silver lions, Vetulonia,” Etruscans I (1967-69) 12-19.