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The Orgia Project

Orgia, 1966, directed by Dr. Luigi Rochetti, University of Rome. The team concentrated on the plan and date of the retaining walls around the acropolis terrace and made a final determination of the line of the slender inner retaining wall. Material from the second and third centuries B.C. was recovered and is on display in the museum at Spannocchia. The owners’ plans to sell the property of Orgia curtailed archaeological work here, but the site would reward full excavation in the future. It is a walled settlement of the late period, thus comparable to La Piana and to a typology of sites identified to the north of Siena; see M. Cresci and L. Viviani, “Defining an Economic Area of the Hellenistic Period in Inland Northern Etruria: the excavation of a fortified hilltop village at Poggio La Croce in Radda in Chianti – Siena,” Etruscan Studies 2 (1995) 141-157.