La Piana
La Piana, a Late Etruscan settlement is currently being excavated by Prof. Jane K. Whitehead. Although contemporary with Malignano, Orgia, Papena, and Strove, this site is the only habitation area of the Late Etruscan Period to be excavated in this region, and one of a relatively few excavated elsewhere. It thus gives important complementary information about the Etruscans’ living environment and activities. This project has been in progress since 1982. See J.K. Whitehead, “Survey and Excavations of the Etruscan Foundation, 1989-91: La Piana, Mocali, and Ripostena,” Etruscan Studies I (1994) 176-205.; and eadem “New Researches at La Piana, 1992-95,” Etruscan Studies 3 (1995) 105-46.